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The World in Ten Years: Tech Visionaries Predict

January 19, 2021

  • Author: CTA Staff
Article Summary

Hear from top industry visionaries as they discuss what they think different industries, enabled by tech, will look like ten years in the future.

In the past ten years, global trends and the rapid pace of technology innovation have transformed the way we live, work and play. In 2020, change has only accelerated.

Four industry leaders representing businesses participating in CES® 2021 share their vision of the world ten years into the future.


Luke Motschenbacher, senior vice president, merchandising, Best Buy

Motschenbacher highlighted that the rapid advancement of technology in the past ten years that has enabled today’s retail.

“Ten years ago, people could’ve wanted to shop in a specific manner, but there wasn’t the capability from retailers online or with a combination,” he said. “That now is the expectation from a consumer standpoint.”

Motschenbacher believes the next ten years will revolutionize how customers expect to get products. He believes that in the future, every consumer will be able to purchase a product in whatever manner they want, whenever they want.


Amy McDonough, senior vice president and general manager, FitBit Health Solutions

Wearables and new digital health solutions have changed the way health care is delivered, giving consumers a more personalized way to not just receive care but take control of their own care.

McDonough says that in the next ten years for the digital health space, new technology will not replace doctors in the medical field, but instead will “help better connect data and the providers to ultimately help health care work better.”

Beyond monitoring sleep and heart rate, wearables and tools can monitor stress and fatigue, provide between-visit care, and enable more valuable care.


Everett Eissenstat, senior vice president of global public policy, General Motors

What will driving look like in ten years?

“There’s really going to be a convergence of electric vehicles and autonomous technology and what that can mean for both design and the consumer in what a vehicle can deliver,” Eissenstat said.

GM’s Ultium platform, for example, showcases one way that electrification can allow drivers to customize their vehicles while still contributing zero emissions. Connectivity and smart technology within the vehicle will transform not only the driver experience but the passenger experience.


Robbie Cabral, CEO and Founder, Benjilock

Cabral first unveiled Benjilock at CES 2017, winning a CES Innovation Award and landing a spot on the acclaimed show Shark Tank. For startups, Cabral says the goal at any time is to be as authentic as possible.

“That’s what investors are looking for,” he said. “Just be yourself and things will pan out.”

He noted how companies everywhere, including Benjilock, are expanding to new business opportunities particularly because of the pandemic. He’s excited for what new innovations are to come in the near future.