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Women’s Tech Leadership, Crucial for Innovation

March 6, 2023

  • Kinsey Fabrizio, CTA SVP, Marketing, Sales and Membership
Article Summary

Successful businesses know that diverse perspectives and experiences are critical ingredients for innovation. That’s especially true in the tech industry, where the pace of innovation is moving faster than ever.

This year, as we celebrate International Women’s Day and the power of technology to advance women’s representation and make our world a better place, we’re celebrating how far we’ve come and focusing on what’s next.
Let’s start with a frank admission: The tech industry has not always supported and advanced women in leadership. Women make up just one third of the overall tech workforce, and hold just a quarter of tech leadership roles. The great news is that tech companies recognize this challenge, and women are gaining ground. In a survey of Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® members from 2021, nearly 90% reported companywide efforts to increase representation among women. Fast forward a year, and data shows that large technology companies are steadily increasing the number of women in their workforces, with the largest gains happening in leadership roles.
To strengthen the current generation of women in tech, and create role models for the next generation, it’s not enough to simply bring more women to the table. Both established leaders and up-and-coming women in tech need opportunities to shine. That’s a mission we take seriously at CTA. At CES, which CTA owns and produces, more than 50% of the speakers on our keynote stages are women – a reflection of our commitment to spotlighting diverse leaders.

Women in Tech at CES

The evolution of CES over the past decade has also created more opportunities for women in tech. Founded just 14 years ago, the digital health area of the show is one of our fastest growing. With healthcare boasting one of the highest rates of women in leadership, it’s a great vehicle for bringing more female founders and senior leaders to the show.
Speaking of vehicles, the automotive and mobility community has a strong and growing number of women executives, including GM CEO Mary Barra, who joined CES 2022 virtually to announce the company’s vision for an all-electric future. At CES 2015, we launched C Space, an area representing the advertising, creative and digital communities – and home to some powerful female executives. That’s not to mention groundbreaking executives like AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su. AMD's technology scope spans industries, powering everything from scientific breakthroughs in the lab to the Mars Rover.

More recently, we’ve partnered with groups dedicated to advancing women in the workforce, hosting conference sessions and CES meetups with groups like The Female Quotient -- our official equality partner at CES -- Inforum and Women in Consumer Technology. In these areas of the show, and dozens more, we spotlight the women leaders who are driving innovation forward.
Increasingly, world-changing innovations in the tech industry are coming not just from big companies, but from smaller companies and startups. Here, too, female leaders thrive: Women-owned startups and startup teams with women founders deliver higher returns on investment, generating 10% more in cumulative five-year gains. That’s despite receiving, on average, less initial funding. That’s one reason we have focused on keeping Eureka Park, our home for startups at CES, accessible and affordable. It creates opportunities for the best and most innovative startups to be discovered and have a breakout moment.

Fostering Diversity for Future Innovation

Of course, our work to support women in technology goes beyond the four days of CES. We know that creating a better world through tech innovation isn’t possible without bringing diverse voices to the table year-round. That means giving women with innovative ideas and the ambition to bring them to reality a runway to make it possible.
Four years ago, CTA committed to investing $10 million in venture firms and funds that financially support underrepresented founders, women-owned startups and diverse leadership teams. Since then, we’ve invested millions into eight of these funds, each demonstrating a passion and commitment to finding the next idea that can change the world – from wherever it comes. 
Our industry knows the transformative power of technology. This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the women who make it possible – and all of those who are committed to supporting and advancing their work along the way.
Discover how tech fuels change that advances human security, social justice and a more stable world. Check out articles, video and more on our Diversity and Inclusion topic page. 


Diversity and Inclusion

CES embraces the fresh perspectives of underepresented communities. Our industry is stronger for their contributions and ventures.

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