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CES Tech Talk

Enter the cutting-edge world of technology with the CES Tech Talk podcast. We’re talking about the leading tech trends for AI, gaming, vehicle tech, sustainability and more.

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CES® is the most powerful tech event in the world. 

Enter the cutting-edge world of technology with the CES Tech Talk podcast. We’re talking about the leading tech trends for AI, gaming, vehicle tech, sustainability and more. Expert guests. Expert insights. Subscribe today for the latest.

This podcast is brought to you by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, producers of CES.

  • Podcast

    Futuristic Farming: John Deere Ups Yields with AI, Robotics

    With America’s 330 million farmed acres faced with climate and resource challenges, every seed is precious. Fortunately for Earth and its crops, John Deere is the champion heavyweight for sustainable and highly productive agriculture. Using robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced connectivity and automation, this company is constantly inventing new ways to maximize yields as economically and sustainably as possible.

  • Podcast

    L’Oréal, Because You’re Worth the Tech

    What’s a beauty company doing at CES, the most powerful tech event in the world? Find out from the expert, L’Oréal’s augmented beauty and tech leader, Guive Balooch.

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    Cloud Control: Unleashing the Future of Gaming

    In this episode of CES Tech Talk, experts from Samsung, Blacknut and CTA discuss how new audiences are playing games from anywhere, on any device, without worrying about hardware or storage.

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    Variety and CTA on Streaming and the Future of TV

    Untangling the opposing forces behind our favorite shows are two experts on industry intel and research: Andrew Wallenstein, Variety’s Intelligence Platform lead, and Jessica Boothe, CTA research director. They discuss the factors that are shaping streaming experiences, among them the cost to consumers.

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    On the Fast Track to Autonomous Driving: Mobileye

    Hear from Mobileye SVP Nimrod Nehushtan as he discusses how far the tech has come in making autonomous driving reliable and feasible.

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    A Journey to the Edge of Space

    Disproving the assumption that spaceflight is only for the wealthy, this episode of CES Tech Talk tells the story of spaceflight experiences for the general public. Imagine seeing the world from the heavens, free of borders and boundaries, then returning to Earth with a renewed appreciation for our shared global ecosystem.

  • Podcast

    How Shark Tank Hooked BenjiLock at CES

    This episode of CES Tech Talk explores how Robbie and his padlock innovation, the fingerprint-activated BenjiLock, made their way to the Shark Tank studio, earning a highly lucrative deal with the show’s “Mr. Wonderful” shark, Kevin O’Leary.

  • Podcast

    Demystifying AI: Insights from Investing and Tech Experts

    AI is everywhere, and has been at work for years in our social media feeds, navigation apps and streaming platforms. Now, it’s increasingly helping businesses improve customer service, manage supply chains and more. As generative AI through ChatGPT, DALL-E and many others is grabbing headlines, investors are taking notice. Here to explain how AI works and what it means to consumers, as well as to tech indices, are Sara Mehle, Nasdaq index research strategist, and Brian Comiskey, CTA director of thematic programs. In less than 32 minutes, they break the tech down for general audiences and investors: AI at its core is simply a digital utility. It’s a tool that’s only as smart as the people programming its operations and setting its boundaries.


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