Exhibitor Dashboard: Quick 3-Step Guide
In This Guide
Registration Information
Learn about pricing, requirements and guidelines for CES registration and passes.
Now that you’re all set to be part of the world’s most powerful tech event, check out these simple steps and insider tips to help you exhibit smarter, not harder. Hint: it’s all about utilizing your Exhibitor Dashboard.
Step 1. Improve Your Listing
The CES Exhibitor Directory is how attendees (your future customers) find you, so it’s important to make sure your listing is complete. Include information about your solutions — and why they shouldn’t be missed on the show floor — to get on attendees’ must-see lists while they’re planning their experiences. It only takes a minute to complete your listing, but doing so will have a major impact on how many people visit your exhibit space. Log in to your Exhibitor Dashboard today to get started.
CES Insider Tip: Download Dashboard User Guide
Download PDFStep 2. Pick a Registration Coordinator
Each person must complete their own registration, but that registration MUST be initiated by your company's Registration Coordinator. You can assign this role in the Exhibitor Dashboard. The coordinator is responsible for sending invites to each exhibitor personnel so that they can complete their registration.
The invited registrant must use the same email address that the invite was sent to in order to be recognized as part of a company’s exhibit and as Exhibitor Personnel.
CES Insider Tip: Exhibitor Registration Guide
Download PDFStep 3. Invite Your Network
Did you know you can give your customers and top prospects free and discounted registrations for CES? Invite them to join you at the show and register with your special promo code. This is a great way to ensure your current clients and the people you most want to be there will have the chance to experience what you're bringing to CES.
To find your promo code, log in to your Exhibitor Dashboard.
NOTE: CES is not open to the general public; all attendees must be able to provide credentials confirming that they’re part of the tech industry.
CES Insider Tip
Exhibit at CES 2026