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2023 Honoree Award

Road Surface Detection & Early Intuitive Warning Software

Nexteer Automotive & Tactile Mobility
  • 2023 Honoree in Vehicle Tech & Advanced Mobility
This software solution advances lifesaving steering safety by enhancing a vehicle’s “awareness” of its environment & early warning communication to the driver through steering feel. Our software fuses two algorithms: A steering-based analytical algorithm & a data-driven, machine-learned algorithm. The resulting “virtual sensor” data is transmitted to a cloud service that communicates upcoming danger to trailing vehicles. When the vehicle is notified of an upcoming slippery surface, software will mimic the steering feel of a slippery surface before reaching the actual slippery road. Giving a heads-up through steering feel influences the driver to intuitively reduce vehicle speed and drive safer.

Learn More About Vehicle Tech and Advanced Mobility at CES

From autonomous and connected vehicles to advancements in air transport, technology has transformed the way we experience mobility.

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