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Conference Partner Resources

Welcome to the Conference Partner Resources hub. Find the tools and resources to guide you through planning for CES, from A/V and stage set to marketing promotions, speaker guidelines and more. Access everything you need as you prepare your programming for the CES stage. 

Key Deadlines

CES Information

Due Date

Hotel Reservations Open

August 13

Registration is Now Open
Conference Tracks & Deluxe Pass Available for Purchase

September 10

Speaker Invitation List Due
Meeting this deadline ensures your speakers are live on CES.tech as soon as possible.

October 7

CES 2025 Mobile App - Now Live

November 6

Submit Conference Setup Request Form
Includes A/V and Stage Setup

November 7

Final A/V Orders Confirmed

November 22

Final Speakers List Due

November 25

Run of Show Due

December 1

Initial List of Sponsorships Due

December 5

Actual List of CES Speakers Due for Audit

January 9

Final List of Sponsorships Due

January 31

Tools & Resources

CES Conference Setup Request Form

All partners must complete the CES Conference Setup Request form by November 7. This form allows you to verify your stage setup, request additional items beyond the standard package, and provide other important information about your programming.

Conference Stage Set and Audio Visual (AV) Package

Your conference room will be equipped with the following standard AV package & room/stage set (or similar). Specific floor plans are available from your CES conferences contact.

Closed Captioning For Your CES Program

Captioning services are essential for enhancing the accessibility, engagement, and reach of CES. As part of your standard AV package, CES provides high-quality and reliable captioning services. The closed captioning will appear onscreen this way: 

If you would like to submit a list of keywords, names or technical terms for our closed captioning software to preview, please submit using the CES Conference Setup Request Form no later than Nov 22, 2024.  

Please note, CES closed captioning cannot be removed or altered. 

  • Standard AV Package

    • Screen and Projector
    • Laptop at Podium with HDMI Connection
    • Riser with CES Backdrop
    • Your Logo on Branded Coffee Table
    • (6) Hand-held Microphones
    • OPTIONAL: Your logo on one (1) branded podium with wired microphone
  • Standard Room/Stage Set

    • Room Setup: Theater and crescent rounds
    • (6) Stage Chairs
    • All sessions will be recorded by CTA and provided post-show.
    • Unless otherwise discussed, CTA will not be livestreaming your conference program.
    • In-room closed captioning will be provided.
    • *Wi-Fi/Internet not provided in conference room(s).

Need additional AV?

Should your program require additional AV to the standard package, please indicate this in the Conference Setup Request Form. Additions to the standard set are subject to additional costs. Orders placed after Nov. 22 are subject to increased prices and available inventory.

  • Initial orders due: November 7
  • Final orders due: November 22

Conference Setup Request Form

Complete Form

Speaker Resources

Speaking at CES 2025? Check out our Promotional Toolkit for Speakers, that includes custom social graphics and sample messaging.

All speaker updates, to include cancelations and substitutions, must be communicated to CTA using the Live Speaker Tracker provided by your CES Conferences point of contact. Please reach out to your CES Conferences contact if you need access to your speaker tracker.

Reminder: The speaker email address listed in your Live Speaker Tracker MUST be the same email address the speaker uses to register for CES. For security and verification purposes, speakers cannot use admin/assistant/colleague emails to register for CES. The CES registration system will only recognize this email address. Please communicate this important information to your speaker(s).

  • Speaker invitation list due: October 7
  • Final Speakers list due: November 25
  • Actual list of speakers due: January 9

Reminder: Partner must have all speakers’ written consent to be recorded, all applicable broadcasting music licenses, copyrights permissions, and all other rights to record. CTA may use this programming to distribute to attendees in the event of an overcrowd situation, to members of the media upon request or use parts of the recording for marketing purposes.

Additional Speaker Guidelines

Gender Diversity Requirements

CTA is committed to diversity and inclusion on the speaker platform and reserves the right to remove a session from the livestream/recording schedule for failing to meet the diversity requirements set forth in the contract agreement:

  • All sessions will have no fewer than one woman for panels of three or more speakers (including moderator)
  • All sessions will have no fewer than two women for panels of five or more speakers (including moderator).
  • An all-male panel with a female moderator is considered an all-male panel.
  • Considering the track as a whole, at least 40% of the total number of speakers must be women.

CES Conference Program Schedule

The CES conference program will operate on the following timeline according to labor union regulations and for the CES attendee experience. CTA will provide a date and time block for your program. When forming your track agenda, please make sure your start and end times align appropriately.

Session 1: 9-9:40 AM
20 Minute Break

11:50 AM-1 PM
Lunch, walk-away crew break. No programming.

Session 6: 3-3:40 PM
20 Minute Break

Session 2: 10-10:40 AM
20 Minute Break

Session 4: 1-1:40 PM
20 Minute Break

Session 7: 4-4:40 PM
End of day’s programming 

Session 3: 11-11:40 AM

Session 5: 2-2:40 PM
20 Minute Break

Q&A portions are discouraged.

Marketing & Promotions

Conference Marketing Opportunities

How is my programming promoted?

Beginning with conference registration launch in mid-September, CTA will focus marketing efforts on driving attendees to CES.tech/Conference and educating attendees on how to purchase track passes, plan and schedule their experience. Key speakers confirmed early may also earn additional promotion at CTA’s discretion.

CES conference tracks and speakers will be promoted via multiple CES channels such as social media, newsletters and CES.tech. Promotional reach will be expanded as new opportunities arise.

As a conference partner, your program will be promoted* as follows:


  • Dedicated Program Page with logo and session/track description.

Official CES Mobile App

  • To include track name, session title, time, date, location, and speakers in schedule.

On-site Conference Signage

  • Onstage representation of partner logo in conference room.
  • Program schedule displayed outside of the conference room (meterboard sign).
  • Partner programs listed on signage promoting all conferences tracks throughout all official CES venues.

*Promotions are deadline permitting.
**CES.tech will use copy decided upon during the proposal process.

Cross Promotion Opportunities

CTA has developed a marketing toolkit specifically for you! From sample messaging for your website, in newsletters, or for one-on-one communication, to promotional banners as well as customized ones with your logo alongside CES branding, we want to make sure you can easily share the news with your audience.
Explore the Toolkit

Tip: Aside from CES registration launch, November/December is when most conference attendees make their conference planning decisions; additional marketing during this timeframe is recommended.

Guidelines & Policies

Press Release Policy

If you are unable to participate in CES due to unforeseen circumstances and opt to cancel, such written cancellation will be communicated to CTA prior to any public announcement. We require that conference partners promptly provide CTA with a copy of their public statement (if any), prior to publication. Out of respect for our partnership, you agree to coordinate the distribution of such statements as needed to announce CES programming changes.

CES Media List

The CES Media List is an exclusive benefit to CES exhibitors (including meeting space holders who purchased through CES Sales). Learn more.

Sponsorships Guidelines

Partners may sell sponsorships to their program, being solely responsible for sponsorships sales in accordance with their contract. The partner is required to disclose and submit a list of sponsors to CTA and to collect related revenues by January 31, 2025, for inclusion in the financial reconciliation with CTA.

CTA reserves the right to verify partner’s sponsor roster before, during and after CES 2025.

Partners may create their own sponsorship packages. All references to CES and use of the logo must be proofed and approved by CTA before posting or printing by the partner. Allow CTA 48 hours to review promotional materials.

Possible sponsor benefits can include:

  • Partner Email Promotion: Partner may create and send emails to their marketing database that include sponsor logos to promote the program to Partner’s database (promotions subject to CTA approval). Partners will not give access to lead retrieval data or registration information as it relates to the CES conference program. Providing sponsors with this material is in violation of the contract terms.
  • Table within conference room: CTA offers the option of a table within the conference room for distribution of sponsor materials (materials subject to CTA approval). Request by: November 7 as part of the Conference Setup Request Form
  • Partner Giveaways: Partner may offer giveaways in program but cannot include this as part of their official session or track description.

On-site Branding/Materials Restrictions

  • Due to limited set-up time, materials must be hand-carried to the conference room on the day of the program and removed promptly upon the program’s conclusion.
  • CTA cannot provide storage for conference materials.
  • No materials (signage, tables, papers) may be set up in the hallway outside the conference room.
  • No signage outside of the standard partner-branded coffee cube may appear onstage.
  • No signage may appear in the shot of the in-room video cameras.
  • Any shipping or handling of conference materials will be the sole responsibility of the partner.

Conference Partner Speakers

Participant must have all speaker/presenter’s written consent to be recorded, all applicable broadcasting music licenses, copyrights permissions, and all other rights to record. Live streaming options are noted on the Conference Partner Resources webpage. CTA may use this programming to distribute to attendees in the event of an overcrowd situation, to members of the media upon request or use parts of the recording for marketing purposes.


For inquiries regarding conference partner resources and planning, reach out to CESconference@CTA.tech or your Conferences point of contact.
Contact Us

CES Conference Setup Request Form

  • Attendee Guides

    Speaking at CES

  • Attendee Guides

    Registration Information

  • Attendee Guides


  • Attendee Guides

    On-Site Services

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Alt text: A woman with short dark hair in an orange jacket stands confidently against a vibrant, abstract background with flowing shapes in pink, green, and white.