John Penney
Chief Growth Officer NextGen Foundry
1:00 PM-1:40 PM
LVCC, North Level 2, N257
Sustainability and the New Product & Service Economy
A focus on sustainability is one of the largest innovation opportunities in history. Hear from large, multinational companies who are placing it at the enterprise’s core.
Conference Track
Sustainability -
3:00 PM-3:40 PM
LVCC, North Level 2, N257
King of Your Hill: Your Home is the Nexus for a Sustainable Future
Beyond solar roofs and electric cars, explore the latest innovations and approaches helping homeowners save money, simplify their lives, and create a green future.
Conference Track
Sustainability -
2:00 PM-2:40 PM
LVCC, West Level 2, W232
Challenges & Solutions in the Energy Transition
Emerging technologies both drive and address the challenges of the energy transition, shaping a sustainable future while overcoming technical and scalability barriers.
Conference Track
Great Minds