Michael Petricone
Senior Vice President Consumer Technology Association
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Is Big Always Bad: Big Tech and the Innovation Economy
Are big tech companies fueling innovation or stifling competition? Are government moves to block mergers helping or hurting small businesses?.
Conference Track
Innovation Policy Summit -
10:20 AM-11:20 AM
AI and Fair Use Showdown: Who Owns the Future of Innovation?
What are the legal boundaries being set, the implications on IP and creativity, and the profound impact these decisions have on innovation across industries?
Conference Track
Innovation Policy Summit -
4:00 PM-4:40 PM
What it Takes to be named a Global Innovation Champion by CTA
Discover insights from international policy experts & diplomats on what it takes for countries to lead in innovation, with insights from CTA’s 2025 Global Innovation Scorecard.
Conference Track
Global IPS