Paul Mitchell
Chairman and President Indy Innovation Challenge, Inc.
Paul Mitchell is the President and CEO of Energy Systems Network (ESN), a non-profit focused on accelerating the commercialization of energy and transportation technology. He is also Chairman and President of the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Before ESN, Paul served as policy director for Economic Development, Workforce, and Energy in the Office of Governor Mitch Daniels.
10:30 AM-11:00 AM
LVCC, West Level 1, Mobility Stage
How To Build Physical AI for Mobility, sponsored by Indy Innovation Challenge
AI is learning to drive! What will it take to safely and securely build, test, and deploy Physical AI solutions for mobility?
Conference Track
Mobility Stage -
4:00 PM-4:40 PM
LVCC, West Main Lobby, CTA Stage
Physical AI: Moving From Bits to Atoms
The AI revolution is already underway in the digital world. How can industry, academia, and government work together to accelerate the adoption of AI in the physical world?
Conference Track
CTA Stage