Philip Tucker
Manager of Business Operations and Strategy Panasonic
As manager of business operations and strategy within Panasonic’s Smart Mobility Office, Philip leads efforts to incubate and launch new products at the nexus of energy and mobility that will play a big role in Panasonic’s GREEN IMPACT goals.
2:00 PM-2:40 PM
LVCC, North Level 2, N257
Smart Communities: Sustainable Future
Smart streetlights, waste, traffic, grids and beyond. The way to make Smart Cities smarter is to plan for uber efficiencies resulting in better, greener environments.
Conference Track
Smart Communities -
10:00 AM-10:40 AM
LVCC, North Level 2, N261
Navigating the Energy Transition
From investing in long-term sustainability targets to current power demands, tech leaders discuss how they are meeting the energy transition needs.
Conference Track
Energy Transition