Todd Haim
Director of Seed Funding National Institutes of Health
Todd Haim, Ph.D., is the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA) Senior Advisor on Biomedical Innovation and the Director of the NIA Office of Strategic Extramural Programs (OSEP). Todd and OSEP's dynamic team oversee NIA’s $150M in annual seed funding to startups through SBIR/STTR funding as well as NIA's career development and training programs.
11:00 AM-11:40 AM
Exploring Diverse Funding Strategies for Digital Health Startups
Discover the various funding options available for digital health startups, including venture capital, government grants, and corporate partnerships, to drive innovation.
Conference Track
Startup Stage -
2:00 PM-4:00 PM
CTA Foundation Pitch Contest Presented by Next50
Join us at the intersection of AI innovation and tech for good, as startups compete to be this year’s pitch champion. And you will choose our audience choice winner!
Conference Track
Startup Stage